Friday, 6 December 2013

This week at school....

Today, we had a "mystery Skype" with Mrs Morhart's grade 3 class from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.  We had to try to find out where they were from.  To find out where they lived we had to ask many questions and they would answer.  Also, they asked questions to find out where we lived.  They guessed where we live first.

Monday morning, we had a special visiter come to our class.  He is a ELF and his name is LOLO.  Every night, Lolo goes to Santa and tells him about our days in school.  Every morning, LOLO is in a different spot and, leaves us a note and is usually doing something funny.   Yesterday, he was throwing "SNOWBALLS" (marshmellows) in the room.  TODAY, he stole Mme's ipad and he made a video.. Here it is.

LOLO with the Snow balls!
Our school particiapated in "bag up Manitoba" and we placed second for collecting the most plastic bags.  Because we were the second school, we WON a bench.  We are very proud to be a part of this great and amazing school.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Peace Feels like.....

Remembrance Day is time to reflect and thank those that have fought for our freedom.  Both our class and Mme Schick's class read the book What does Peace Feel Like? wriiten by V Radunsky.  We created our own visions of what peace sounds like, feels like and looks like.  

Enjoy our presentation!

Sunday, 27 October 2013


Bailee volunteers at The Community of Hope Food Bank.  She approached Mme Clarke (our principal) to ask if the students at École Robert Browning could help by collecting food for the hungry.  Bailee created a video with some help from her mom and other adults.  She went from class to class to speak with the students about her initiative and how they could help.  She gave each student a paper bag to fill and to return to the school.  The response so far has been breath taking.  It is amazing what kids, even the young ones can achieve.  You have a big heart Bailee and you should be very proud of your self because we sure are. 

Share Bag Promorional from Riverwood Church on Vimeo.


Thursday we made apple sauce.  This is what we did.
Bryden: First we counted all of the apples.
Rylan: Then we crated a math story using the apples we counted.
Bailee: We had to measure the apples, we did this by using a string and then measuring the string with a ruler.
Justin: Next we estimated how many seeds were in the apples.  I thought that our apples had 50 seeds.
Sydnee: Our next step was to peel the apples.  We got to use a special peeler and butter knifes.
Felix: After we got the peels off we had to cut the apple up to the core. My mom was in my class to help us cut up the apples.
Carter: Then once we had a full bowl of sliced apples we had to weigh them.  My groups apples weighed 455g.  That's a lot of apples.
Kiana: Next, we put all the cut up apples into a huge pot.
Wyatt: Then we added sugar.  We got to mix up all of the apples with our hands.  It felt really gooey and sticky.
Antun:  The next step was to add some cinnamon
Bronwyn: Next Felix's mom helped us by cooking the apple sauce for us!  Thank you very much Mrs Ross!
Kiana: It was incredible!
Ethan: It tasted good.
Sydnee: It was delicious!
Teagan: It was the best apple sauce I ever tasted!
Wyatt: It was not normal apple sauce, it was cinnamon apple sauce.
Rylan: The cinnamon really hit the spot!
Reese: It tasted really, really, really, really, really good!
Bryden: It smelt good and it was awesome!
Sam: I tried it but I did not like it.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Le son "on"

This morning we were working on the French sound "on".  We have a song/video that we would like to share. 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The past few days

Sorry that we have not posted in a while.  We have been VERY busy.
Last week, we skyped with a class of grade 5's.  They where from North Carolina in the United Staes of America.  Did you know that they do not have any snow there?  That is so weird because we have tons of it.

Here is what students have to say...
Ethan: It was fun to try to figure out where they lived.
Carter: It was really interesting because we found out where they live and they found out where we live.
Sydnee: They asked lots of good questions and they live far a way from us.
Jersea: It was cool, awesome and interesting.

Today we went swimming for the very first time.  ALL grade 3's in our division take 6 weeks of swimming throughout the year.

Here is what the students had to say...

Bronwyn: Our instructors were all really nice.
Wyatt: We got to do back floats and front floats a lot.  We got to swim in different parts of the pool. 
Baillee: It was really fun
Kiana: They have a deep-end and a shalow-end
Justin: We had lots of fun.
Ethan: It is a really warm pool.
Sydnee: It was fun because it was the first time we had swimming at school
Carter: We all had different teachers.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students!

Mme found this post from the Kid President and wanted to share it with her parents and students.  Ask yourself, how are you going to be AWESOME?

This week at school

This week we created our own dots to celebrate International Dot Day which is this Sunday September 15th.  International Dot Day is from a book called "The Dot" which speaks about leaving your mark on something that is important.  Ethan's mark was to ask people to play with him in the morning if they were standing alone.  Sydnee and Sam would like to leave their mark by sharing their drawings with others.

 We are making our dots for International Dot Day

We also created our class contract and what we believe should happen in our class.  We believe that everyone desearves to be respected. We also believe that learning can be fun and that we learn from speaking with each other.  We believe that we are all friends and need to keep each other safe.  The last thing we believe in is that we need to encourage each other to always do our best.

We are working together in groups and demonstrating what we as a class believe in.

TODAY, we learned about the 9 multiple intelligences, did you know that every person learns in a different way.  They are; musical-rhythmic, logical-mathematical, intrapersonal, naturalistic, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, verbal-linguistic, visual-spacial and the 9th existential.  We took a quiz to see which multiple intelligence explains the way we learn best and which intelligence we still need to work on.  Wyatt scored highest in the intrapersonal intelligence, which means that he works better when he is alone and that he keeps a lot of his feelings to himself.  Ethan scored the highest in logical-mathematical intelligence, which means that he is really good at solving problems, counting, numbers and reasoning. Kiana scored highest in the visual-spacial intelligence which means that learns best with pictures and graphs.  She also loves to draw and do crafts.   We will continue to learn about these intelligences so that we know who to go to for help when we are having difficulty with something.

 This was our first full week at school and we made it.  We are growing together as a class.  Friendships and bonds are beginning.  This will for sure be one INCREDIBLE year. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

First Day of School with NEW Incredible Grade 3 Students

WELCOME to a new school year.  Friday was our first day together and we had a great day getting to know each other.  
We spent some time introducing ourselves and shared with others something that we liked.  Mme started and she had a ball of yarn.  Once she said what she liked she held the end of the yarn and through it to another student.  This continued until everyone had a chance to share and also had a piece of the yarn.  Once done we had a web which symbolized how we are connected to one another. 

 Each table group received a puzzle to work on.  This was to help us learn how to work together and also the importance of team work.  We have not finished the puzzles yet but we are sure looking forward to them being done.  During this activity students were helping and encouraging each other while putting pieces together.  This activity definitely helped build community within the class.

We spent some time looking at Twitter and how to write a tweet.  Each day we will have two students who will be class tweeters.  We had music and gym and then it was time to go home.  Both the students and Mme were exhausted from their INCREDIBLE first day of school.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


A recent writing activity involved students closing their eyes while I put a substance in their hands.  They were instructed to put the substance in their mouths and then write about what it tasted and felt like.  Here is what they had to say....

Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Today in math, we learned about fractions.  Mme had 12 apples, 12 strawberries and 12 cookies.  She asked us how we could make it even so every one received the same amount of everything.  As a class, we decided to cut it in half to have equal parts of each whole fruit or cookie.  1 apple is equal to 2 halves, 1/2 and 1/2.  
When we cut up all the food we had 24 halves of everything.  We learned that 1 whole cut in 2 evenly is always 1/2.  FRACTIONS are INCREDIBLE and FUN!
Written by Anna, Cayden and Nyah

Monday, 29 April 2013

Earth Day / Journée de la terre Videos

In preparation for Earth Day students created videos.  In their videos they described reasons for which we need to protect our earth.  The videos are done in both English and French.  Enjoy!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Earth Day

This week was Earth Week. We have done computer projects to promote and help the earth.  Our school performed a  spring musical called Assignment Earth.  The songs that we sang were called It's Our World, Turn It Off, Lean Green Air Machine, and We Are Able.
 Did you know that if there is pollution in the air or in the water animals could die?
Written by: Meaghan, Tyah, Shaelee and Robyn

Monday, 15 April 2013

Today in MATH

Today in math we have been working on multiplication with paper plates, bingo chips and also dice.  We had to roll the die and it represented our number groups and then when we rolled again it represented the amount of bingo chips in each group.  We had lots of fun doing it!!!!   The plates represent the groups and the bingo chips represented the numbers in each group.  For example, three groups of two equals six .  


 Each day we practice counting but two's, three's and today we added four's and five's to help us learn our multiplication.  Multiplication is incredibly fun.

Post written by: Kylee, Sameer, Matthew and Callan